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Day 3 - The Little Foxes That Spoil the Vine

Ami Arroyo • November 15, 2019
So now you are here.
Today is the day you plan to seek God and pursue Him.
You've set aside the time. You've planned accordingly and right as you're about to begin...your phone ignore it....but then you feel a grumble in your tummy and think you should grab a snack....and then you're cold so you grab some socks.
And before you know it 20-30 minutes of your allocated time with God has eroded away.
Don't worry, this happens to everyone.
These distractions are the little foxes that can spoil your vine.

The Bible says, "Catch us the foxes, the little foxes that spoil the vines, for our vines have tender grapes." 
-Song of Solomon 2:15

These distractions can spoil the "tender grapes" on your vine. The tender grapes represent the fruit of your relationship with God.
It's very important to identify the little foxes and distractions that keep you from being focused during your time with God.
Does your mind wander when you read? Do you get sleepy as soon as you open the Bible? Are you all of a sudden hungry, cold, or tired, or feel a sudden urge to clean something around your house?
Those are the foxes, and they need to be caught!
Some are simple to catch - like you being hungry or cold. Just address it (eat a quick snack or put on a sweater) and move on.
Others are designed to pull you down a rabbit trail (like answering that one email or text that leads to you doing something else, and then something else).
For the ones designed to pull you down a rabbit trail, do not entertain it long. Address it head on and declare it is not more important than your time with God. Then silence the distraction and go back to your time with the Lord.
Don't worry, it may or may not be there when you emerge. If it's still an issue when you emerge from your time with God then trust that the Lord has given you what you need to deal with it.

The point is, the fruit that comes from your time with the Lord is tender.

Fresh revelation from God is so precious. It can carry you through good seasons and difficult ones. You don't want anything damaging it before God has solidified it in your spirit.
So identify and catch the little foxes that try to spoil your time with God. Then cast them to the side so you can receive fresh fruit and revelation from the Lord!

Let's pray!

Heavenly Father, thank You for fresh revelation. Thank You that You desire to give me fresh revelation when I spend time with You. Open my eyes to see the little foxes that try to distract and pull me away from You. I declare today that You are greater and more important than they. Give me wisdom to know how to properly create a space, free of distractions, that I may hear Your voice more clearly.
I love You, and I pray these things in Jesus name, Amen
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